Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Stepping it up

Another super overdue blog post from me, but so much to update on! Level two of the Jewellery Manufacture programme has been completed (and passed-phew) Then level three started in February and its definitely stepped up a notch, the accuracy and finishing of the jewellery has to be perfect and to industry standard. 

Here are some of the things we have been making:

a silver snake ring which I love and am definitely going to make another variation of this ring at some point, maybe with some scales and some eyes!

Stone settings:
Claw settings
Crown collet (next to the queens crown!) 
We started an eternity ring today which I've got to be honest is terrifying! every mark, drill, file has to be perfect or the stones wont set properly. So wish me luck, I think i'll need it!
Start of an eternity ring!

My very lucky friend Rosie has just gone off travelling south America with her boyfriend (and left us with this lovely weather) for 3 months. So I made her a protection eye pendant to take with her. I love anything ancient aztec/egyptian especially the art and hopefully this will work for her!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

From Beatles to zombies

Hello, it has been a while since my last post about the jewellery course im doing, the past few weeks have been busy ones!

We've been doing loads of technical exercises, getting used to using the tools and techniques used when making handmade jewellery. Most things ive made you couldnt really wear as jewellery (you'll see what I mean from the pictures below!) but will be useful when making actual jewellery pieces

Our first few projects were to pierce (cut with a mini hacksaw) shapes out of guilding metal like this beetle, the spirals nearly ended me, it was so small! It's funny looking back a few weeks later after loads of practice, it looks really rough but it felt bloody good to finish it!





Then we had to soldered some pieces together, so leon the lion was born!




Then came the hardest technical challenge, I think, a box with a lid that fits perfectly... It's easier than it looks but I've never swore so much in my life!

Then we had a masterclass with Ruth Anthony on hand engraving, I stupidly checked out her website before the class and was terrified to go in!: www.ruthanthony.co.uk her work is amazing, I didn't realise the work that goes into it before starting her class. You use a little tool like the ones below and basically (I say basically, I wish it was!) scrape away at the metal to form a pattern. And if you mess up which you do ALOT at the beginning your work is ruined! Fun hey...

This is my first attempt,

Then this is my hamsa hand, which is so busy that you can't see the mistakes that much! But getting slightly better

And then my flower pattern which was our last project,




After just 4 engraving classes my hands looked like this. Dead people's hands. And I've still not regained full feeling in my forefinger, I don't think a career in hand engraving is calling but I have a new found respect for engravers for sure!!


Monday, 10 September 2012

Holts academy day 1

I've been making jewellery for years now but never thought I would actually make a career out of it, mostly due to the fact that I was too scared to quit my 9-5 office job and do something that I loved!!!

So when I was made redundant it gave me a push to do something about it, I decided to say goodbye to Manchester and move to London to start a jewellery manufacture course at Holts Academy in hatton gardens. My head was full to the brim with questions of if I had done the right thing, but sometimes you've just got to jump in and give things a go.

It was my first day today at Holts Academy starting on the level 2 diploma, I felt like it was my first day at school again (without the lovely burgundy and grey uniform) new pad and pens ready and eager to learn, well maybe not exactly like school then...

We learnt about the different techniques and materials we will be using during the course and how we will be assessed, it all sounded so exciting, learning to use the tools properly and eventually producing our own rings, earrings and pendants. Also a lot of slightly boring information on health and safety was given but i suppose its essential in an induction and good to know that its dangerous put my hand in the pot of acid!

So my high school nerves were unnecessary, it was a really good start to the course, lovely staff, students and workshops! I'll be keeping a diary on here about how I get on and show the things I make along the way, hopefully they won't turn out a complete disaster!!!

My necklace for the day



Wednesday, 15 August 2012


The work bench!
I've never worked with leather before, I had a few pieces spare that I intended to make a bag out of but never did due to the thickness of the leather and my minuscule sewing machine (broken needle disaster)! So instead I cut out some patterns for jewellery, mainly bracelets like the ones below, and I'm really happy with how they turned out!
Leather triangle earrings £10
Leather cross bracelet £15

Geometric triangle necklace £20


Leather spike bracelet £15

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


The weather has been so good the past week or so, I had to take full advantage of it, so I sat in the garden with music blaring, making my favourite kind of jewellery-stuff with crosses on!!! I have a slight obsession and I think over half of my jewellery collection have a cross or 6 so check them out and let me know what you think!

Multi cross necklace £10

Black cross necklace £15
Peace and cross necklace £15

Multi cross earrings £10

Cross drop earrings £5

Monday, 23 July 2012

Chunky chains




I love a good chunky necklace or bracelet, put them with a plain tshirt and jeans and they create a totally different look. So I found some plain thick chain and experimented with a few different looks, I settled on the triangle bracelet and the double chained cross necklace at the bottom, let me know what you think !


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

DIY spikes

I picked up a bargain recently from my guilty pleasure-ebay. I had ordered them ages ago and completely forgotten about it, a little bag of screw spikes. 

My mind went into overdrive and I had to limit myself as to what I was going to add spikes to (I could do my whole wardrobe) but, for now, I started with my battered old Urban Outfitters trainers which I can't bear to throw away:

I made tiny cuts down the side and simply screwed them in, I added some new laces too and I don't think they look too shabby, I knew there was a reason I didn't throw them away!

Then I moved onto jewellery, this little spike necklace looks amazing with jeans and a t-shirt to give it a little edge and a bracelet which I screwed the spikes onto a leather strip.

Mini spike necklace £10
Leather and spike bracelet £10