Hello, it has been a while since my last post about the jewellery course im doing, the past few weeks have been busy ones!
We've been doing loads of technical exercises, getting used to using the tools and techniques used when making handmade jewellery. Most things ive made you couldnt really wear as jewellery (you'll see what I mean from the pictures below!) but will be useful when making actual jewellery pieces
Our first few projects were to pierce (cut with a mini hacksaw) shapes out of guilding metal like this beetle, the spirals nearly ended me, it was so small! It's funny looking back a few weeks later after loads of practice, it looks really rough but it felt bloody good to finish it!
Then we had to soldered some pieces together, so leon the lion was born!
Then came the hardest technical challenge, I think, a box with a lid that fits perfectly... It's easier than it looks but I've never swore so much in my life!
Then we had a masterclass with Ruth Anthony on hand engraving, I stupidly checked out her website before the class and was terrified to go in!: www.ruthanthony.co.uk her work is amazing, I didn't realise the work that goes into it before starting her class. You use a little tool like the ones below and basically (I say basically, I wish it was!) scrape away at the metal to form a pattern. And if you mess up which you do ALOT at the beginning your work is ruined! Fun hey...
This is my first attempt,
Then this is my hamsa hand, which is so busy that you can't see the mistakes that much! But getting slightly better
And then my flower pattern which was our last project,
After just 4 engraving classes my hands looked like this. Dead people's hands. And I've still not regained full feeling in my forefinger, I don't think a career in hand engraving is calling but I have a new found respect for engravers for sure!!