Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Stepping it up

Another super overdue blog post from me, but so much to update on! Level two of the Jewellery Manufacture programme has been completed (and passed-phew) Then level three started in February and its definitely stepped up a notch, the accuracy and finishing of the jewellery has to be perfect and to industry standard. 

Here are some of the things we have been making:

a silver snake ring which I love and am definitely going to make another variation of this ring at some point, maybe with some scales and some eyes!

Stone settings:
Claw settings
Crown collet (next to the queens crown!) 
We started an eternity ring today which I've got to be honest is terrifying! every mark, drill, file has to be perfect or the stones wont set properly. So wish me luck, I think i'll need it!
Start of an eternity ring!

My very lucky friend Rosie has just gone off travelling south America with her boyfriend (and left us with this lovely weather) for 3 months. So I made her a protection eye pendant to take with her. I love anything ancient aztec/egyptian especially the art and hopefully this will work for her!